Publicado el 1 de Enero de 2010
Historia e historias, manual etc... El primero que le eche un vistazo que comente algo (supongo que me lo encargaré)
Curiosidades e información para el mantenimiento, reparación y disfrute de tu bicicleta Brompton.
... "I didn't do anything original. I just thought, there's a handlebar here, a seat there, a wheel there and a wheel there: let's bring them all into the middle.” Mr Ritchie
...“Cycling in Barcelona has become massive, from virtually nothing. The States are behind us, but Amsterdam and Copenhagen are ahead. The biggest challenge is infrastructure. Culturally, everything still revolves around the car. That will change, but it will take time.” Mr Butler-Adams
...."45 folded Bromptons standing in a single parking space "
Leer artículo completo...http://www.thisislondon.co.uk/lifestyle/article-23797779-from-geek-chic-to-the-bike-every-commuter-wants.do
Andrew Ritchie, fundador y director de Brompton Bycicle Ltd., ha sido nombrado MBE de 2010, Miembro de la Excelentísima Orden del Imperio Británico, por: "Services to Business and to International Trade".